More Disney News!

Good Morning Friends!

Well, our time at Disney has come to an end. We leave today to drive down to Bonita Springs – near Fort Meyers where we will spend the rest of our vacation at Lenny and Judy’s condo. I am looking forward to catching geckos and bunnies, which I hear are all over the place!
Yesterday we spent the day in Disney’s Magic Kingdom. This one park was made up of 5 smaller parks inside it – Disney is HUGE. My favorite place was Frontierland where Splash Mountain is located. Frontierland was also home to Tom Sawyer’s Island. This island was a real live version of the book, Huckleberry Finn.
We also went to the Presidents Hall where we watched a 22 minute show about the American Presidents. I learned how we as a country decided that we wanted to have a democracy, and learned about the struggle to keep our country one that is “for the people, by the people”. In the middle of the show when we got to Abraham Lincoln the curtain went up and a character who looked just like Abraham Lincoln recited the Gettysburg Address. This was a powerful speech, it gave my mama goosebumps.
At the end of the performance the curtain went up again and sitting on stage were all 45 of our American presidents. I learned that it is really important for us all to educate ourselves on government issues, and issues that impact our country and world so that we can make sure we elect a president who is going to protect the ideals that are in the Declaration of Independence.
Well, I think that is all for today. I miss you all and can’t wait to show and tell you all about my trip when I get back on Monday!

This is the barge we had to take to get over to Tom Sawyer’s island.

I tried really hard to pull out Excalibur’s sword.


Mama, Dean and I in front of the castle. Mama was so excited to look for Princesses, Dean and I think she is crazy.

The end of the Presidents Hall performance when all 45 presidents were on stage. They were so real looking. They moved and looked like they spoke.

Disney Adventure!

Good Morning Friends!
On Saturday my mom graduated from college with her Masters in Nursing. She’s been working really hard for 2 years to get to graduation. Both Dean and I have been waiting a long time for her to be done with school so we can all spend more time together. So after her graduation my mom and Dean gave me a gift to thank me for being a big help during her school – a trip to Disney World in Florida!!! We drove to Boston on Saturday and flew to Florida Sunday, I was in shock!
We got to our hotel Sunday afternoon. Sunday was rainy down here so we spent the day looking for geckos and I got to jump in the pool.
Monday we woke up early to get to Disney Animal Kingdom. We went on an African Safari and saw lots of animals: giraffes, hippos, crocodiles, wildebeest, and a warthog to name a few. We did a ride called Avatar. It was the coolest ride I have ever been on. It took you through the world of Pandora on the back of a Banshee, and you really felt like you were flying! The only bad hung about that ride was we waited in line for 3 HOURS; but, it was worth it.
Tuesday we went to Disney Hollywood Studios. At this park they have lots of stuff on Star Wars! Storm Troopers were walking all around, it was so cool. They also have a ride called the Tower of Terror which brings you up really high in an elevator and then drops you, it was really scary and Mama screamed! Tuesday night Lenny and Judy – Dean’s parents surprised us at the resort. Saturday was also Dean’s 40th birthday so they come to surprise him for that.
Today we are going to go to Disney’s Magic Kingdom, and Lenny & Judy are going to come too. Mama is excited to meet some Princesses; Dean and I think she is crazy. I’m excited to see the rides and the big castle as this is the original Disney World!
Well that’s the update on why I am not in school with you all. I miss all my friends and can’t wait to see you all when I get back to school Monday!

Me with BB-8 at Disney Hollywood Studios Star Wars.  I also got to meet Chewbacca and Kilo Ren.  Mama and I in front of the AT AT walker in the Star Wars section of Hollywood Studios. We went on the virtual reality ride through the world of Star Wars. It was really cool.

Mama and I in front of the Tree of Life at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. This tree had carvings of so many animals in it: a hawk, dolphin, armadillo, kangaroo, etc …

Mama, Dean and I in front of “Mount Everest” in the Asia section of Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

Mama, Dean and I in front of the entrance to Disney Hollywood Studios

My Psalm of Praise

Thank You, God, for friends,


The blue sky,

The wide prairie,

The open ocean,

And vast land

To explore, discover, identify, and create.

Thank You for the animals.

Thank You for making everyone different from each other.

Thank You for friends.

Thank You for family.

But most important is You, God, sending Your Son to die for us.

Thank You, God!

Biography Puppet Show: John Hancock


I lived in Boston with my uncle.  My mom and dad died when I was seven.  Then they died, my uncle was really rich.  His house had 54 windows!  I had very nice clothes.

I wanted to be noticed.  Once my uncle died, I was the first richest man in England and the second richest person in all America.  I had gold lace on my shirt and gold shoes.  I gave the best parties.  The only thing that bothered me was King George.  Man, that guy hated me!

Once he raised taxes on fifty-five different things!  I sent a letter saying I wouldn’t pay a penny, and that made him mad.

Once I got older, I had horrible headaches.  They’re probably worse than yours, Jackson!  My feet hurt too.  My health was bad.  Soon I died.  I died in October of 1793.  That day 20,000 people came to the funeral.

I am John Hancock.